I have briefly mentioned before about the differences between the AOR Patagonia sets issued (to people who get issued AOR) and the multicam/solid colour sets that can be purchased online if you’ve got the right sort of ID card. I picked up both these pairs of Level 9 trousers within a short time frame so it feels like a good time to mention the comparison.
From what I’ve read, the issued AOR gear is sewn by somewhat less skilled and motivated people by comparison to the sort-of-commercially available apparel. There’s various conjecture out there about prison labour which is entirely a possibility in the US military supply chain, but I have no hard evidence to support any theory either way.
The obvious difference you’ll notice externally here are the doubled up adjustment tabs for the knee pads on the multicam trousers and I know there are at least 1 or 2 other differences where the AOR hasn’t had quite the same work put in, but since I’m away at the moment without access to my kit I can’t comment right now.
If you’re interested in these particular items I’ve written about them previously so you can search for Patagonia on the blog to find more. I have it on good information that Mr Crye himself was responsible for actually designing these, but the reality is I would choose the G3s any time.
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