During the 2003-2004 time period, the US Army trialed the CCU cut of uniforms in an attempt to replace the BDU. The CCU eventually lead to ACU, but these trials pieces were made in far better and more interesting camo patterns than UCP. I was lucky to find this shirt here in the UK for a very good price.

Rear, showing elbow pad pockets.

Mandarin collar and heavy duty vislon zip.

Baffled bicep pocket with split velcro similar to Crye G3 shirts. Plastic snap buttons for pocket closure.

Forearm pen pocket on one side, pleated elbows and velcro adjust cuffs.

For lots more info on CCU, this is a great reference article:

Occasionally when I have purchased surplus issued military apparel I have found items left in the pockets and this Ball ticket is perhaps the best of those fortunate discoveries. It was in one of the chest pockets of my CCU shirt above and had been through the wash but was just about still in one piece, so I laminated it for preservation. Date reads 16th November 2004, which is weird for an American to write actually.
Date format isn’t that weird. That’s how the US military typically writes short form dates. DDMMMYY.