I’m happy to say the wait is finally over and the 2nd half of my article on uniform basics is now available on ITS Tactical.
Seeking Uniformity: Differences in Battle Dress, Field Cut and Combat Cut Uniform Bottoms
As with part one, the basic idea is to go over archetypal features on 3 styles of tactical type apparel in order to hopefully aid folks in their purchasing decisions. In this instance, having already covered shirts, I’ve gone over the old school military issued trouser, the modern commercial field cut and the ever popular combat cut. Of course there are hundreds of different brands and designs out there to choose from so I did have to generalise quite a bit, but the overall goal is that having read both parts of the piece you should be able to identify what you’d need and then go out there to the gear stores and classifieds sites and pick the right thing for you.
If you’ve ever wondered what I’m talking about when it comes to polyester and nylon blend fabrics there’s also a short section at the end going over the bare bones you will want to understand when combing through product descriptions and checking out labels.
My good mate Rob over at ITS did the vast majority of the nice formatting and added all of the ‘in the field’ shots, also thanks to The Reptile House for proof reading.
The folks at ITS have kindly invited me to write more in future which is a good sign I think. I’ve not nailed down a specific topic I really delve in to yet so no idea when that might happen, but it’s certainly been a cool experience to put some of my thoughts out there to an audience beyond my own site.
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