Gear, Misc

Kit Slut 4 Lyf

Creating even more of a back-log of kit for me to write about.  Definitely some extremely frivolous purchases here in the apparel department, but I can’t lie I am very much going down the ‘collector’ route on that stuff as time goes on.

Future purchases will include a lot more parts to sort out RIFs that are currently sat unusable and to complete LBE pieces that are currently hung up in a similarly of-no-use state (or indeed, missing entirely due to recent changes in my criteria for belts and plate carriers).  But the past few months I decided to ‘treat myself’ to some stuff I just wanted because it was cool rather than practical for work or useful as potential subject matter for a video.

The stock of patches for the grand opening of the REMF Tac patch store v.2 is building gradually, though unfortunately it’ll still be a good while yet before it goes up.  I want to make very sure that the shop front is up to a solid, professional looking standard before I ‘open up’ and at this point I’m still not even sure how to begin doing that in the way I want, let alone actually putting the wheels in motion.  Rest assured however that if you like patches, you’re sure to find something you like once I do cut the internet ribbon with the comedy scissors.

I’ll not list out everything here at this juncture since everything will be posted here, on Facebook and/or on Instagram at some point in the future.


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