
Crye G3 Combat Pants – US Woodland NYCO

To complete the set, here’s some shots of my over-sized Crye Precision G3 combat trousers in NYCO US Woodland. Picked up back around christmas time 2018 since these were very high on my wish list and still borderline unicorn-grade rarity at the time. Although I wear 32R you can always tighten them down with the built in adjusters or a belt and 34 was all that was available.

I also took a ‘calculated’ risk that availability on these specific variants was going to increase over time (rather than decrease like the ACs and FR versions) and I gambled on being able to sell these and buy my 32s down the line – which is exactly what I did precisely one year after picking up this pair. It’s always enjoyable when you make a call and it turns out right it must be said.

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