
Most of my Crye Trousers

I’ve kept the captions on this image very short on social media because frankly it’s more of a meme post and unfortunately (in my opinion) the sort of content that generates a ton of interactions despite not really containing anything substantive or disseminating any knowledge.  For those of you reading this entry however you might be more interested in a little more detail instead of being briefly entertained by quickly disposable swipe-by content.

So in terms of the layout above, the ‘pant’ part of the collection is ordered as such, going from left to right, from the top row to the bottom:

  • G3 Combats, mixture of regular NYCO and FR materials
  • G4 Combats sat on the Khahki 400s in the top right corner
  • LACs just before the MC Black
  • G3 All Weathers, 2 combat in RG and Khaki, 1 field in MC
  • G3 Fields
  • US Army Combat Pant trial model
  • G2 Combats, 1 set in FR
  • G2 Fields, just the 1 pair
  • G1 Combats
  • G1 Fields

This is a pure guesstimation but I’d say only about a third of these have actually been posted individually so far.  I only really started buying any Crye uniforms about 3 years ago and right now I’m working through an almost 2 year backlog of imagery for this website and associated social media accounts.

While I absolutely cannot stand discussing money at any time, I feel like I may have to head off some questions at the pass when it comes to this one specific post.  I have never once been in debt of any kind in my life in general, let alone when it comes to buying kit for my collection, to do so would be objectively utterly stupid.    A very small number of items in this image are somewhat rare and cost more than commercial equivalents, however, the main investment I have put in to my hobby has been time and in the process of learning about and hunting down the rarer items I’ve also snagged quite a few good deals.  I have paid comparatively low prices for a lot of things and done quite a bit of buying and selling of items that I didn’t personally want to keep but I knew could turn a bit of a profit.  This has significantly counteracted the other expenses.

My financial priority throughout my entire adult life has always been putting money aside for costs related to purchasing a house and running a car, so I’ve put much more of my income in to those things than I have anything you will see on this site.  I don’t earn a giant salary but I am boringly sensible (i.e. tight) with money 95% of the time and I have extremely few outgoings.

This blog is a resource that anyone can access entirely free and I try to make it such that the only difference between being in the same physical place as my collection and being on this website is actually handling the items.  The large amount of images should hopefully satisfy just about anyone whether they are only interested in aesthetics or they want to see the details and differences on specific unusual items.  When it comes down to it you can’t take stuff with you.

This is going up on December 25th so Merry Christmas to those who celebrate it, hope you’ll all continue to check here often as the content will only be getting better over time.

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