
Transatlantic Webbing Project Pt. 2 – Test Setup

I decided to eschew my usual ’tism perfectionist OCD behaviour and crack straight on with the cross-cultural webbing project (rather than what I usually do which is spend a year thinking about it, checking every single possible manufacturer’s site 20 times then maybe eventually ordering something). Just slapped on pouches I don’t like from my rubbish old belt setup and added a couple from my spare pouch box to fill it out. Purely testing the layout and filling of all the PALS columns at this point. Can’t be having gaps on this type of rig!

I have the smaller of the 2 Jungle belts from S.O. Tech Tactical and I have to cinch this one right down despite being an awful lot less skinny than I was when I first joined up. So potentially if you’re a pure racing snake this particular belt may not be for you, though the pouches and harness from BLoCS are still very nice.
For now I’m not using the 2 front/edge columns as when I tried on the belt those columns are in contact with the ground when in the prone. I have a whole thought process about this for my personal uses but it’s not really relevant to real military use so I won’t use up the characters here.

The biggest sin I’m making is building the rig then just ‘having space’ to store kit; that’s 100% the opposite of what you should do. All my other chest rigs etc are built based on knowing just what I want to carry. That said I obviously have a *rough* idea about quantities of water, food, shelter, ‘munitions’ and admin kit I might want to have. Also if I’ll give myself one bit of credit it’s that I know some stuff about gear. It may need tweaking but I’m confident I won’t stray super far off the path while going through the process backwards (not recommending it though, quite the opposite).

I may put some hardware in place so a pistol can potentially be mounted when desired, not sure on that yet. Would involve QLS and Guardian Warrior Solutions bits. For pouches my current top contenders are Carcajou Tactical and British Tactical products, although the CJT are the only ones I’ve seen anywhere and liked that also incorporate D rings.

Right now the yoke connections are rigged up in the nastiest way possible using scraps of various ring hardware I had left in my little raw materials box. This will be made far neater and nicer looking, but on very initial try this method seems to be working, though time will tell.

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