
You Just Cannot Stop

A quick shot from the archives around the time I decided to actually start buying some Crye clothing. Those who saw the post on the Navy Custom combat shirt in AOR2 will have seen the little story about the time I nabbed it on ebay (during the week of SHOT ’16) which was a result of the aforementioned decision being made around the end of 2015.

I’ve talked a bit before about the number of brands of clothing I tried over the period of many years before actually picking up any more items from Crye. I’d owned my 2nd Gen combat cut trousers in RG for a long time, but they were ‘it’ for a good few years, despite the huge popularity of the brand. I just didn’t see a benefit in terms of putting out useful info to folks if I was just buying and reviewing the same stuff that had been covered hundreds of times already. I think the new G4 shirt is finally a design I’m going to really like, but even though I own a few now I’ve really never rated the AC or G3 combat shirts very highly. Again I’ve gone somewhat in to my reasons why in the blog post on the G3 combat shirt I published earlier this month.

So what’s in the shot? Left to right:

-G3 Combat shirt
-NC Combat shirt
-‘UKSF Custom’ combat shirt (which I’ve not featured yet, basically NC)
-The Test Item labelled early iterations of the US Army combat pant
-G3 Combat trousers

Obviously 3 out of the 5 have never been commercially available at your regular tac gear shops, they were only military issue therefore you have to acquire them through sales groups, auction sites etc. These were just the acquisitions of those first 3-4 months after I made the change and I’ve tried to continue down a similar path since then. Always hunting down anything different, doubly so if it’s available at a good price.

For those who are interested, a lot more pieces from what has become my collection over the past 2 years are going to be posted in the coming months and if you are in to camo and uniforms (which I’d imagine you are if you’re here) you will probably enjoy them. That said of course there are plenty of other brands in the mix, other families of camouflage patterns, other clothing styles for inclement weather versus just arid and temperate climates. After all you never know where you might find yourself.

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