While the concept of covers for lids seems to have died a bit of a death in some circles, one thing I see everywhere these days is people just running around with their mega shiny helmets out and I think “bloody hell, cover that up will ya”.
Honestly though, non-ballistic brain buckets tend to be super shiny and look kind of ridiculous to my mind when not using a cover. If they’ve got a hydro dip then doubly so, because the varnishes they put over those dippings are always shiny as hell.
If you’d like to treat your dome guard to a real fancy cover then the FirstSpear offering will of course serve you very well. If you’re purely after aesthetics and having the highest quality doesn’t matter for you all that much, there are cheaper options out there and I fully get that, you have to spend what makes sense for YOU. But for my readers out who can’t compromise and need gear built for what they’re doing, I’d recommend the FS cover for various reasons I’ve detailed in this video.
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