
NY Mail Call

Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
Here’s a bunch of kit.

ft. CamelBak Tactical, Crye Precision (Khaki from Airsoft Evike.com), Arc’teryx LEAF (Wolf from Edgar Brothers/Edgar Brothers Shop),DRIFIREALG DefenseUF PRO from Polenar TacticalGrey Ghost,Obliterator Industries Ltd from ehobbyasia.comFlimmuur Tactical,Magpul Industries Corp.PTSRoman KurmazFRV Tailoring,Patagonia and Griffon Industries with some MultiCam and PenCott Camouflage.

People do seem to enjoy these types of posts, but of course over time everything here will be individually featured on the blog/FB and IG with more detailed images and descriptions, or reviews where appropriate.

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