
Crye Pringles

As of February 2016 this was the extent of everything I owned from Crye. At that point I’d spent a lot of years just buying every combat cut piece of camo that I could find (at that time) which emulated the style but wasn’t actually Crye. I wanted to have some colours and camo patterns that weren’t the same as the gear everyone else was wearing.

So from left to right:
-AC (or Gen 2 as it was called when it came out) Fields
-AC Combats
-AC Combats in RG (my first ever piece of Crye kit and the only piece for some years)
-G3 Combats in MC Arid (first G3 item)
-AC Combat shirt

Previous this picture I had picked up various generations and types of combat cut trouser from Plat-A-Tac, Patagonia, Arktis, Beyond Clothing and UR-Tac in an attempt to try out every other brand I could that still accepted the Airflex knee pad. I’ve found a couple more since then, but not a great many overall and very few have been worth spending out the money on in terms of quality and design. I tend to think varying too far from the AC or G3 cut will only lead down bad roads.

Shortly after this picture however I clearly had a severe bump on the old noggin because I’ve gone a little overboard on the Crye purchases since then. I think it’s because I deliberately held myself back from buying any at all for around 5-6 years, then once I popped I just couldn’t stop.

I’m afraid of re-doing this picture with the current collection.

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