
Showing the single result


  1. Your report is very good

  2. Thanks for such a nice post

  3. larry does this too – you are probably on the email list to receive the promotional codes now since you created an account.

  4. I like this concept of testing the PIG chest rig. It looks like testing them in an actual environment not in Lab. This testing is actual to check durability, strongness, water proofing, comfort level etc of all the equipments. I like to come their and try this out.

  5. ZakAttak

    I want to know the type of pants he is sporting in your picture there. I can’t seem to find them anywhere.

    • Anonymous

      They’re definitely some custom sew jobs, based on standard BDU trousers.

  6. John Hogen

    Will you be covering the major home brands, like Aegis Engineering and Morgan Defence Systems (the company that acquired NP Aerospace)?

    I’d love to see what they have new for home and export!

    • Comment by post author


      At this point I’ve unfortunately got no idea how long I’ll be at the show or what I’ll be able to get around to see, since I’m going on works’ time.

      • John Hogen

        That’s a shame. Hopefully you’d be able to take pictures.

        NP Aerospace (Now Morgan)’s AC900/CTT helmets are pretty great, and Aegis Engineering (Now acquired by Safariland) vests are some of the best you could find in the UK. Maybe the’ll have something new because recently, they’ve been modernising their lineup from leaked photos, but the only way to understand the full process/idea is to talk to them…

        • Comment by post author


          Modern helmets and armour are always on my radar, so I’ll see what I can find. I’ll spend most of my time in the small arms/dismounted gear areas for sure.

  7. Kensaki

    Yup, the tactical covert route. Totally get what you mean. I wish more brands go down this route.

  8. John

    Quality post. Good points.

    Plenty of cringe worthy language and “impressionists” on this side of the pond. Makes me miss the good old days at the fort and section 8, we were serious about taking ourselves too seriously….

  9. Eric MacLaurin

    Genuine ALG Defense Rail/Barrel nut’s fit on VFC Upper’s? Nice to know. Great bunch of info here.

  10. wish the pics still worked mate!!

  11. Mike

    Thought this shirt looked familiar, checked my NZ issue shirt and it’s almost and exact copy but in MCU developed by Hyperstealth. Check them out, they also developed patterns for the Afghani’s

  12. Chris

    Oh man, I had a set of Highlander and Typhoon (whatever the black version is called) both brand new with tags that i sold for dirt cheap not to long ago because i needed money. They sat on Ebay and FB groups for weeks before somebody finally bought both. Oof.

    • Comment by post author


      Sadly there’s always more value in keeping things. They don’t sell for a great deal but that’s just because people are obsessed with crye, fact is these sets are awesome and the best Krpytek that’s ever been/ever will be made.

  13. Wiener

    The pen pocket on the sleeve, came about because of the PPE requirements were causing the troops to be unable to reach the upper pockets. The plates, shoulder protectors etc were causing the turtling effect. Thus the compromise to the lower one

  14. Wiener

    The parka is a direct copy of the M1951 parka. Also known as the “Fishtail Parka”, the cloth flaps are designed to keep snow out and creat a insulation layer.

  15. La combinación debe usarse con precaución.

  16. Aleksi Tabell

    I think you should take a look at Templar’s Gear products. Most of the Raptor Tactical gear that was shown at Shot Show 2018 was just copied from Templar and probably because of that didn’t get sold. I guess they have spent the year actually making their own designs. 😀

    You can find Templar’s Gear on many of the European gear stores. Really good quality stuff.

  17. R711

    The SMLE was supposedly to be issued with 2 mags, the 2nd was supposed to be used in the case of a dire emergency. However, with budget cuts etc, the 2nd mag was removed from service and used as a primary magazine for another SMLE. If you ever get a chance to fire the SMLE MkV the sight picture is lightyears ahead of the SMLE MkIII* etc.

  18. Gavin ONeill

    Where do I get these ? So cool

  19. James

    Where the hell do I get these? I saw a pic of some operators wearing them I’m Afghan and want to feel like I can slot floppies too.

  20. Sheppard

    Hey! Nice article. I have a chance to buy this for 31 USD, but Im not sure. I read there are sizing issues. I can barely find any info on it except this article. Im also interested in the story of why the line has been discontinued. Sheppard from Hungary

  21. Kevin Ives

    Is this a blog site for pro airsoft in archway? Or anyone who owned it? Sorry to post like this but desperately need to speak to someone.

  22. Tabloid

    What do you think about the fabric durability of these FR shirts compared to regular NYCO ripstop?

  23. Rhys

    Hey mate just a question could you get the new Australian army issued bush hats?

  24. James Gasho

    It is really disappointing for me because I know they make mock off ones but they don’t make them in my size and it’s also difficult to even find real cryes. hopefully some mock off company will have a high enough demand to make big sizes and I know crye will not just start making them because it’s not standard nato anymore. I am 2xll and 46L

  25. Jack Chan

    From what my own experience with it, they sold in one set size and their largest size is not size 38 so it limited a lot of sales .

    Also the people behind this had some kind of fall out and so it ended with this.

  26. RatGirl

    Hey, I was wondering if you would be able to tell me of any places that would stock the same pants as that, or have any leads on where to go to obtain them?
    Thanks! -RatGirl

  27. Rami57

    Really usefull, is it possible to have the same stuff for woodland marpat uniforms ? Got a crye shirt (not a cryefire) like 6 months ago but I can’t find that much infos about these. If they were private purchases and for which units ?


  28. Matthias Saalfeld


    Thanks for your video!
    Can you tell me what trousers you are wearing in the video?


  29. Moises

    Hi mate, I looking for a combat uniform in AMCU, can you help me?
    Thx a lot in advanced

  30. The Gear Confessional

    Great stuff CK.

  31. Andrew Holmes

    Love this mod! Any chance you can send me a pattern so I can give it a go?

    • Comment by post author


      I’m just a buyer not a sew’er I’m afraid, you’d struggle to find a pattern for crye trousers tbh. Disassembling some chinese clones is probably the cheapest way to get one that I can think of.

  32. Luke

    hey i was wondering if you still had this

  33. Dave

    Love these, and so do many folks around me! We would like to grab some for sure. I understand lead times and the like, but still cannot understand how to order these even after watching the video. Can you send another link or simply this for ordering information? Thanks much

  34. Dylan Norris

    I believe I have original gen1 woodland combat pants with no tag and I’ve owned gen2 custom combat top and bottom.can u help me figure this out?thanks

  35. TGC

    My team mate wears a pair in MC which he picked up new on eBay for circa £200. Nice material and he’s happy with them.


    Did you ever sell them ?

  37. Tim

    While I am certainly in the camp that enjoys seeing all these different kinds of camo patterns, this one in particular (AOR1) makes me curious. It shares quite a bit with the desert MARPAT. I just wonder why the Navy didn’t just go with the Corps design. Either way, I do enjoy both patterns. You’re articles are well written and really dig into what makes the piece unique.

    • Comment by post author


      Pretty sure the USMC had rules in place to stop literally anyone else using their patterns. Also MARPAT has the EGAs in it and SF like to have their own special sauces. Thanks for coming by 🙂

  38. Cormac Quigley

    I have a pair of identical pants in OD Green sold by sportsman’s guide in ripstop nyco with the same label. The only had Green, Blue and Black colors. The white label on the bag they came in states – New USMC NYCO Ripstop field.
    They have the same inside label as above. I believe they are genuine or subcontracted crye made.
    Sportsman’s Guide also sold the G2 combat shirts you featured as well as G2 multicam field pants in the correct softshell material. All three were sold for $80.
    I believe they were tests or overruns – I think you are correct in your theory that crye were in the running for a mass contract before they fell out of favour with the military.

  39. Cormac Quigley

    Sportsman’s Guide sold these G2 combat shirts, the mislabeled ‘All weather field pants’ in ripstop nyco as well as well as multicam field pants in the correct softshell material. All three were sold for $80 each.
    They all turned up at the same time. I believe they were tests or overruns – I think you are correct in your theory that crye were in the running for a mass contract before they fell out of favor with the military.
    SG sells overruns from companies or sometimes military contractors that go out of business. They usually don’t tell you the manufacturer other than US military contractor.

  40. Eric

    Hi mate,

    Do you know a good guy or store where I can buy Crye AOR 1 shirt and pants and other original staff?

    Thank’s Eric

  41. Hannes

    what scope is on mp5 ?

  42. DudePlayinADudeAsAnotherDude

    2nd MSOB issued, and had in supply a decent amount of a very similar shirt. It may be the same thing. They were woodland MARPAT with a sand torso. The tag read “Army Custom”. I have no idea how they got there as they have a non standard supply line. To my knowledge they were issued for various training operations. The USN has a YouTube video on SARCs where you can see both the AC in MARPAT Woodland and a G3 in MARPAT woodland.

  43. Gee C.

    Hi there do you want to sell the combat shirt? I’m interested

  44. Gee C.

    By the way I’m asking because I,m also in the German army and i was looking for so long for a crye desert bw.


  45. Rc40d

    Ran several dismount ops with Liz and these installed. Only had one of the side clasps come undone once and only ran the pad component after that.

    I would run these pads in my Beyonds as well, over Crye gen 3 pads.

  46. Aahmes Deschutter

    Hey there, curious how this jacket compares to the arcteryx combat jacket!? Thanks

  47. Mikey bubbles

    This assessment is spot on. I really like my flatpack in conjunction with my haley or spiritus chest rigs. But these are the only scenarios in which the flatpack works for me. Attaching it to my pc allowed for zero access to my kit (I’m just another dumbass civilian, not a door kicker in a stack) and I found it sat very low, especially when loaded with gear, causing my front plate bag to ride up into my neck.

  48. Shot Scientist

    While I agree with the overall sentiment, there really aren’t any nice organic solutions to self access to a pack with a plate carrier on. Crye has a means with the AVS1000, which I have to an extent jury-rigged on my Ferro Slickster with, ironically, a Haley Flatpack. In this instance the low profile straps are perfect for my needs.

    Live and let live!

    • Comment by post author


      No organic solutions? Can’t help but feel ya didn’t read the whole thing tbh mate.

      • Shot Scientist

        You’re right. Missed the VEP. Didn’t even know it existed. It functions a lot like what I described and the AVS but I gotta be honest, flopping that overhead seems…. unpleasant.

  49. FYI, someone is impersonating me as “David Ly”

    Admin please contact me if you’re needing to verify the validity.

  50. Shot Scientist

    My personal wishlist has your two mains plus a few extras:

    1. Delete the ankle pockets
    2. Where matching fabric is available use 500 denier cordura for the knee pad pocket (not sure if that would affect function)
    3. Vertical zipper on front of cargo pockets for secondary access
    4. Fine mesh internal gaiters to keep ticks etc. out
    5. Where the camouflage pattern has an orientation, orient all pockets etc. appropriately (it appears the thigh pocket fabric on yours are oriented vertically instead of horizontally)
    6. Delete the rear zippered pockets (don’t use them)

    • Comment by post author


      Obviously every single person’s exact preferences will vary a lot, there’s no way this will satisfy everyone precisely, but deleting some pockets and changing the orientation on at least the knees is on the list. Also when you order, any extra adjustments on top of the pre-set list can be added in if there’s some other small tweaks you want, though roman probably won’t do add-on stuff like zips that have never been part of the crye pattern. Most of this endeavour is about deleting the wasted features and correcting the few deviations Roman makes from the normal G3s.

  51. Nick Mazzone

    Hey I really like this placard do you know if Roman still makes them? if so is there anyway you can give me his contact info? I am in need of a new placard and I’m not a big fan of bulk in the front so the MK4 was out the door in 12 hours for me. If you have his contact info that would be fantastic man thank you

  52. Christopher Watkins

    Hey there. I am highly interested in what you have going on here. I am interested in fully customizing and tailoring my atacs-au gear setup. I have an extra pair of some great atacs pants with great features that i want to utilize to create an entirely new custom pant build on top of something super comfortable. I need a lot of help though and dont know where to look. I hope you may be able to help me out.

  53. Hayden

    Any idea where to get these? I’ve had the gen 1s for a while and am looking to upgrade

    • Hi,

      You can get the G2 Patagonia VIKP knee Pads at our website Will have them in back in stock around October 26th. 89.00 + free shipping. We also have the Patagonia G1 knee pads in stock for 65.00 + free shipping

  54. How do you have the side pouches set up on the first picture? I’ve researched the WTF expander saddles and they are absolutely massive. Like larger than the entire chest rig itself. I imagine the molle panels are similar in size. How do you have the GP and double pistol mag pouch mounted? Thanks

  55. Charles Sloan

    How much for the combat flannel?

  56. Tom

    That was a COMPREHENSIVE review! Thank you, clearly you put a lot into doing these trousers justice. My personal take is that they are way too engineered but I’m from the S95 generation when two cargo pockets were all you got! Once again thank you!

    • Comment by post author


      Thanks mate, appreciate the visit and taking the time to read.
      I think there is a good middle ground to be had inbetween something like these and the old CS95/BDUs, but yeah I know what you mean.

  57. Jaakko

    M05 NyCo is a thing indeed, it’s called Spartan fabric. Varusteleka’s Särmä-line uniforms also use the same stuff.

  58. Shot Scientist

    Love it! Can’t wait to get some made in some exotic pattern.

  59. Steve

    Any idea what sort of fabric these are made from? Cotton/polyester twill?

  60. Aiden

    Weren’t the Crye M05 a limited edition run?

  61. Kotioperaattori

    are those ones you have for sale by any means? they were a limited run only and can’t seem to find a pair anywhere anymore..

  62. DHJ

    Helpful review.

  63. DHJ

    Good review. Thank you.

  64. Chris

    I would be interested in one of your “TS”-Shirts – please let me know!

  65. Rufus

    Hi! What’s the difference between blockI and blockII NC pants? It’s easier to see on combat shirts but i cant see differences between the pants or if those exists. Thanks for your page where we can find whatever need to known.

    • Comment by post author


      Unfortunately I do not know and as far as I’m aware those names are made up by the collecting community. I’m fairly sure the differences are incredibly minor (if there are any at all), but best to ask in Crye Owners Group on facebook.

  66. Blake

    I’d definitely be interested in a tiger stripe g3 pants.

  67. Kyle

    I use a fight light split front with the additional padded yoke, as well as their double mag shingles at work. I’ve been in nuclear security long enough to actually have worn out a Mayflower chest rig, and TT is what I settled on for a replacement. My only “upgrade” was putting Haley mag inserts in the shingles so I wouldn’t have to mess with retention straps.

    Comfortable and lightweight and very reasonably priced.

    • Comment by post author


      Very hard to beat that setup. I had various 2-piece MAVs many years ago and just wanting to look cooler was literally the only reason I switched to PCs, but for sheer practicality the MAV is just superb.

  68. Robert

    If you´re interested I can ger you some US4CES goodness.

  69. Let me know if you’re ever trying to sell these. They’d be nice for deployment.

    • Comment by post author


      I’m always collecting and very rarely selling, but try and get in touch with Drifire or one of their distributors. Bear in mind Crye cut uniforms in top end FR fabric cost about double what regular G3s do though.

  70. Scot

    Whenever I see a used one of these for sale on an auction site, the jersey material is usually always torn in a few places.

    How durable can this really be under hard use?

    • Comment by post author


      Not sure where you’ve been looking but I’ve seen literally thousands of second hand ones on eBay over the years and rarely do they have more than small pin holes in the torso. The Crye combat shirts have been extensively combat proven to put it mildly, the combat shirt itself is hardly a new concept at this point, every military with half decent kit issues them given how well they work compared to traditional old BDU type shirts.

  71. Shotscientist

    How would you describe the fit on them compared to other brands, especially in light of the lack of stretch panels? I tried a few pairs on once and the sizing and proportions seemed off. Then again I’m lower speed and higher drag than the intended audience.

    As far as I have personally seen, Canadian SOF wear Crye for the uniforms but Arc’teryx is typical for the outerwear.

    • Comment by post author


      They’re on the baggy side through the thighs and especially the lower legs, doubly so by modern standards, no doubt. Do feel slightly weird but still overall comfortable in the short time I’ve worn them so far.

      • Shotscientist

        Cheers! That’s how I remember them. I quite like their Cross Functional Pants, but they also have that generous leg thing going too – I suppose that’s the only option with no stretch panels.

  72. Type3engine

    Very nice! Keep up the work. Do you think Roman will branch out into other designs for pants?

    • Comment by post author


      Thanks, lots more to come. I’d say probably not though, he’s got AC and G3 combats, the Linderhof style and my F9E, don’t think he’s looking to expand right now.

  73. Quincy Fong

    May I know how much of this set? Thanks.

  74. How does this compare to the Crye Field Shell 2?

    I am on the fence about which one to get…

    • Comment by post author


      I’m afraid I haven’t spent the necessary time sweating in either to make a decision on the material, unless one has a layout you really much prefer, then Crye is the better company to give your money to.

  75. juri

    very interested in buying

  76. Greg

    How do I actually contact him? just pm on facebook?

  77. James

    The mesh spacer pad you mention… can you provide a link to one that would work for a HSP flat pack

  78. nelson mcculloch

    Go to fireforce venture if you are looking for rhodesian brushstroke camo. They have it in the original army cut and in operator styles.

  79. Jason Bernhardsen


  80. Joonas K

    The word on the streets is that theres a new batch dropping in 11/2021, and this time with darker stretches. The light green did not perform satisfactory under NIR.

  81. Allen

    If your looking for US4CES stuff. I remember a while back there was a guy on the r/tacticalgear subreddit who seems to have a bunch of stuff in US4CES for their setup. You might want to check with them. Their name is u/ulyxx.

  82. Phillip Gallaty

    I really would like to get an XL set of the Desert Night Camo.
    I do not need the liner as I live in tropics but should be great
    for night hunting here.

    Can you advise?

  83. Yuri

    Would you please help provide the price for this product? I would like order it. Thank you so much.

  84. matthew Doherty

    I bought a used 1.0 specifically to use with a chest rig, as a hydro pouch with the ability to possibly carry more. hoping to pair with a spiritus thing 2, a triple kywi placard and some utility pouches for nods.

  85. Verdantlee_Hebi

    Probably the only set that I’ll never get my hands on, since I’ve been missing out for a whole lot, and been liking Kryptek a lot more than MultiCam, due to the popular transitional camo being used by a plethora of special forces and law enforcement units, or I’ll just say that the camo being overrated in general. Although I do have some respect for the camo that was supposed to be issued to the US Army and instead opted for their own OEF-CP, or OCP camo by the Natick Labs just by refining it.

    I did find a set on EBay in Highlander pattern, but it’s a little suspicious for me to get, since there’s only one picture and I think it was priced around $500 if I’m not mistaken (again, correct me if I’m wrong). Still, I’ve been eyeing on this site for a while and I thought I should say, an excellent review to read on, since I’ve read almost every single one of them.

    What do you think of the sizing and the quality in terms of sewing and cut made for the improvement by Platypus Outdoor, so far? And I thought of having to get a custom pair based on these and the Crye G3s from Roman as well someday, since his looks promising too.

    • Comment by post author


      Thanks for coming by. I’d say if you want a combat set in Kryptek going some F9E items from Roman is honestly the way to go unless you want to scour the internet for years for the old Platatac sets.

  86. tim

    how can I buy this

  87. Nicholas

    One of my favorite sets of cryes. It was really cool to see them featured in zero dark thirty.

  88. Parker

    Most people hate when I ask this question but from your experience what is the best combat set?

  89. Parker

    Most people hate when I ask this question but from your experience what is the best combat set? I also understand this article is two years old.

  90. Rob

    Great comparison vid.

    Another reason I like to use a higher mounted red dot optic is to more closely mimic my cheek/chin weld on my stock when I’m shooting under NODs utilizing a laser.

  91. EG

    I have a pair that don’t have the black Crye stripe on the pocket, which seems odd. But I got them from a legitimate distributor and everything else in your article indicates they’re legitimate.

  92. S

    Great article!
    The extra flaps in clothing, whether the placket on a shirt/jacket or the fly was for gas protection and/or infrared protection. Of course, that didn’t work after a washing or two, and most soldiers/Marines/et al removed them, whether it was in WWII or in the 1990s.

  93. Steve

    What about the size/fit? Unusually I wear Arc’teryx M (standard fit) or Arc’teryx L (Trim fit). 1.85m/82kg/104cm chest
    So currently I am unsure if I should order a RG one in L or M.

  94. DarkLite

    Which velcro panel did you end up going for?

    I’ve recently gotten into the Placard Paradigm after reading through your latest blogposts and I’ve just picked up an Airframe clone.

    • Comment by post author


      It’s a custom job from yeeears ago before you could really get them commonly, but any that’s 6 columns x 5 rows will fit. Just make sure the attachment straps are soft of course.

  95. Brian

    In your opinion could they be more comfortable on longer walks if you replace the insoles? I have a pair in the box, and like them. I have only had them on twice around the house, and the fit is good, so I am inclined to agree with the things you are saying. I still have the option to send them back, and I do want to wear them on long walks if I keep them, but can tell that will get old fast as they are. I would love your opinion on my question. Thank you for the review.

  96. can grab this from India?

  97. 51773_Mickey

    Does Roman have a site where you can order items?

  98. sam

    a likely explanation as to why the man in the first picture is wearing ucp is that his unit is attached to/ working in the same area as conventional units wearing the same pattern. a seal team did this at one point too in afghanistan– it’s most likely to avoid targeting by the enemy because of the uniforms they wear.

    • Dylan Wilkey

      Good point, ive also seen quite a few seals in UCP

  99. CB

    Just snagged a pair of these guys off the bay. Your site has been really helpful over the past few years, appreciate your insights into the various pieces of gear and their origins. I am also focused on combat lowers like you’ve mentioned you are, these have been at the top of my list for a good while. Now, about actually wearing em somewhere… 🙂

  100. Fili

    Cool camo, wonder why Brookwood discontinued it. If have in mind to sell it…

  101. Michal

    Have a pair for sale, size 34R, new never worn but without tags and bag. G1 Multicam Combat Pants. I will sell it for 750 $.

  102. Nick

    Definitely the coolest AC’s in my opinion! It’ll be interesting if Crye ever makes some G4’s I. This pattern. It seems the nuance (like the buttons) that was in the various G2’s is gone for the G3’s. No matter the pattern all the G3’s I can think of are identical in build.

  103. Nicholas

    Congratulations man!

  104. Alex B

    Where can I buy this?

  105. McMillan

    Alguien vende el pantalon?

  106. cb

    thanks for the write up
    got a couple of these bois in the desert marpat, one of my faves for sure

  107. Scott

    How does this Sand colour compare with Crye’s Khaki 400? Lighter? Darker?

  108. Scott

    Pilling is what holds me back from buying G4 clothing.

    • Comment by post author


      They *may* have gotten better now and with NSPA stuff, tricky to know for sure without getting constant up-to-the-minute field reports.

      • Scott

        Sorry for my ignorance, what does NSPA stand for? I am sore tempted to buy g4 pants because supposedly they are cooler in hot weather, but the price is very high and there are very few reviews … : (

        • Comment by post author


          Not sure exactly what it stands for, far as I know/can tell they’re exactly the same but made in Europe somewhere.

          • NagaR

            Don’t know if it is too late to answer, but NSPA refers to the NATO procurement platform (On which tenders occurs for end clients being NATO country members). I am not an expert, but it would mean that it is US made but not towards NSPA bidding clients. For instance, maybe US made, but not towards the US Army through a NSPA tender.
            I doubt there would be much different between this one and the NSPA one, the only thing is NSPA has certain guidelines and requirements in term of supply chain, country of origin for the materials, quality control, etc.

  109. Scott

    Do you know where Arktis manufactures their clothing? Tag says Made in UK but they told a French YouTube channel they manufacture in EU and that the Exeter facility is mainly for designs.

  110. Scott

    Thanks for the reply. I appreciate your site and the work you do, very much. You’ve helped me with purchases (what to get, what to avoid, etc.) immensely.

  111. Daniel

    thanks for this review just bought a pair. very helpful explaining the differences in material and also the differences between ‘combat’ and ‘field’. it’s amazing that cryes website doesnt have this info. cheers

  112. Jarass

    Anyone know where I might be able to get this camo?

  113. Chris M.

    Great write up on the KAC RAS. I’ve been looking for one for my military issue M4 clone I’m building and was surprised at 1) the cost of them, and 2) the rarity of them. Looks like I’ll have to settle on the MI drop in hand guard.

  114. O

    How do you think about Gen.2 of Assault Shirt AR? Did it get better or Arc’teryx LEAF didn’t catch any of those problems?

  115. Julian Perez

    Very well done article if I recall these could have also been made not purely to meet USMC SOF demands but probably also Delta Force’s who has in the past worn various different patterns that other branches have used such as AOR.

  116. karim

    There are a few SFSG load outs though?

  117. Andrew

    I know this is a few years after the fact, but I was wondering how this shirt fit (is a large a large etc). Also, how breathable is the fabric, from a day to day standpoint, would it be decent to wear around garrison, in the office sort of thing?

    All good if it’s been too long to remember. Thanks!

    • Comment by post author


      I’d never give arc a penny more of my money. Terrible choice for on camp, just wear what’s issued, or if you wanna be fancy get a crye field shirt (both exact same fabric) on ebay for way less money.

      • Andrew

        I appreciate it. So even if the money wasn’t yours (work pays), not worth it.

        Curious about the Arc dislike – is it linked to manufacturing standards lowering or something to that effect?

        • Comment by post author


          I’ve heard they’re going down, but their politics and sales policies mean I’ve not bought anything for years and won’t be unless there’s a huge change.

          • Andrew

            Ah gotcha, I’d heard some of that as well (politics). I have the opportunity to buy one of these shirts new (second hand) for $250 usd, and I like the look and cut, but wasn’t sure if at that price it was worth it, I certainly agree that at $350 a NYCO shirt just isn’t worth it.

  118. Verdantlee_Hebi

    Really cool, never would’ve thought I would see a set of sand Cryes in G2s. Is there any differences in thickness of materials used for the NYCO fabric, in stark contrast with G2s and G3s, like the latter being a little thin for breathability, or are they both the same?

    • Comment by post author


      G3s are Khaki, only G2 is Sand. I think the NYCO is the same weight and thickness between gen 2 and 3, but that’s only an educated guess going off look and feel.

  119. Verdantlee_Hebi

    Honestly, I was beginning to be really curious and keen in getting this pair in any Kryptek patterns, but since you mentioned that you wouldn’t entirely recommend this due to the stated issues, I think I’ll stick with UR-Tactical, considering that the latter brand at least has some useful features that I could make good use of for their Stealth Warrior Pants, and at the very least have some freedom with the stretchy waistband, internal kneepads, and some Polartec Power Stretch (Mil/LE) from it, just without the Raid pattern as UR-Tactical doesn’t even offer it, besides Highlander, Mandrake, and Typhon (non-NIR compliant pattern unfortunately). I could ask Roman or USV_GEAR, hopefully when the war in Ukraine even ends.

    • Comment by post author


      Value from UR-Tac is better overall, as a collector I literally just wanted some Raid as mentioned but yeah.. wouldn’t tell anyone to buy direct Krpytek apparel.

  120. Verdantlee_Hebi

    As I’ve previously stated from the Instagram post you’ve made (@green_mamba161), the pockets are probably the worst, as I don’t understand why the metal snap-on buttons are that good instead of the military 4-hole buttons or the slotted ones Arc’teryx uses, only concern is them getting rusty due to prolonged usage and exposure to salt via sweat, sand, dirt, and mud, but the zipper does help, and I’d rather ditch the Spartan helmet logo altogether. The mesh vents around the armpits are a nice touch, as I wouldn’t mind, but now the collar is lame too, would’ve been better if the collar has the torso fabric lined up within it from the inner side. Guess Roman or USV_GEAR, Crye, and UR-Tactical gets a win.

  121. Jacob McDonald

    Hey mate, I just saw some pieces marked g-3 combat pant, FR-H. The seller said it was hot weather FR cryes, but other than material they didn’t look too different from FR-S. Any chance we could see a post in some crye FR-H items?

  122. Jaakko

    Cheers for the review! Highly considering the GFG atm as Onward Research prices in Europe are truly high. Btw Finland is not part of Scandinavia and we like to keep it that way.

  123. Scott

    Excellent review, as always. I just bought a pair for personal use where I live (northeast Asia). G3s have been my go-to but they get real hot, real fast, here. I am hopeful G4 will be cooler and more comfortable, but we shall see. I *wanted* to try the G4 Hot Weather line but since you have no review for that series yet, I wasn’t brave enough to pay what they’re asking and roll the dice.

    • Comment by post author


      Thanks for coming by. There’s a few features on some of the HW stuff I don’t really love and there’s not a ton of need for them here in the UK, but unless you’re using them for heavy duty stuff they’ll be fine.

    I bought an AMCU combat shirt recently, grew fond of Crye G2 and G3 since I dug into airsoft in these few years and wanted to get gear that was used in Medal of Honor: Warfighter. Especially love the square velcro panels of G2-style, not so much for the vertical velcro bars of G3.
    Got a TMC G3 in Tiger Stripe and EvolutionGear Minotaur replica, since authentic Crye are too luxury for games… Currently trying to get some Crye style in Canadian CADPAT & Swedish M90, original Crye version don’t exist AFAIK, Shadow Strategic looks promising but I still have to email them to see if the current variant is the one with G2-like velcro panels. For M90 there’s a Chinese camo fabric shop that print them in NYCO but the woodland variant is out of stock for now, and I still couldn’t find a shop that takes custom Crye cut order with good accuracy.

    • Comment by post author


      From a look at their site that shadow strategic uniform line looks pretty bad to me I have to say. Look up roman kuraz or usv gear on IG for custom cryes.

  125. Rob

    I have always thought when the Australian Navy scrapped the old grey No8’s work uniforms for patterned attire it was a retrograde step (& now retrograde steps). In a “man overboard” situation patterned attire of any sort would make recovery of that person next to impossible in open ocean and in any but perfect visibility. Rob (ex RAN submariner)

  126. John Andrew McKay

    Any ideas were I can buy one

  127. Yen

    Hello mate,
    Do you still have it ?
    Very impressive!

  128. Nick

    I have seen guys running these in the Ukraine with no problems bought my own pair and they’re definitely lighter than the G3s but still feel quality only time will tell

  129. Verdantlee_Hebi

    I actually thought of this pair of G3 pants in DPM as well, as I brought myself an idea of doing Roach’s kit from OG MW2 but in MW2019 theme (in a form of US Expeditionary Force I skin), as it would make sense with the fact that he’s British and is also part of the SAS as well, and pairing it with a grey PCU Level 5 soft shell jacket, a green combat shirt or even a RAID modded BDU shirt. The plate carrier would be the tricky part, considering that I’m both pairing slightly dated gear with modern ones, but I thought of having an LBT-6094 QRC or an ordinary 6094, as well as a 2-piece belt, taking some creative liberties, but I’ll be retaining his classic MICH/ECH helmet with Oakley A-Frame goggles. If I want to, I can grab an Ops Core FAST helmet and the ESS goggles, but I’ll lose that aesthetic of Roach.

  130. Robert

    These like most Australian Camo clothing of the last 15 years or so, aside from Camo colours are the same across all three branches of the ADF. So stuff like the pleated knees are for all uniforms, these predate the new combat and field pants so this pants pattern was designed as the army pattern from barracks to battle zone.

    It was a way to cost cut across the ADF, one clothing style (with minor tweaks like the pen/light stick pockets and heavy duty zippers over the standard ones for navy), one Camo pattern (with different colours for the 3 branches). Even the newer AMCU/GPU/MMCU pattern is used across all 3 branches just with the blue for RAAF and greys for RAN. Only exception is the combat uniform which is one for all. It’s a smart move to keep costs down. The AMCU pattern in the combat clothing style is the official combat/deployed clothing for land based deployments now for all 3 services. With the field/barracks pants being different but same. It’s all about trying to strike up the balance.

    I noted in your shirt review about the reflective strips, these were a high vis thing in case of MOB but as you noted the Camo could hide the person in the water. The Camo for the Navy was twofold, one it created its own unique ‘corporate uniform’ easily recognisable to civilians thanks to the show Sea Patrol and the Camo pattern hid stains from working on ships at sea easier than the solid grey overalls used previously.

  131. Jonny

    Great post! I’ve been wanting to do a RAID mod with my BDU top for a long time and I’m so glad I found this article because it’s given me something to reference when working with a tailor. I’m just curious as to what details/specs, measurements, pictures, or materials (velcro) did you provide to your tailor to ensure that they produced the exact product you were looking for?

  132. Been looking everywhere for a CADPAT set in generally Crye Cut and it appears that only Shadow Strategic has them, emailed their 4 different addresses but no reply as if they have closed down.
    Then I went to Roman but he did mentioned in a 2019 post that getting authentic CADPAT fabric is no longer possible. Asked him if the situation had changed but he said it’s still the same and so CADPAT unavailable 🙁

    • M

      Arktis made the closest thing to CADPAT Cryes, until the Canadian government sent them a cease and desist for some reason. A damn shame too cause other alternatives on the market just aren’t as good.

      • Zining Wang

        Yeah it’s just strange that CAF didn’t cared about airsoft brands making CADPAT repros, how were the ones printed by Arktis’ any different to them?
        I then asked Iron Sights & Tacti-Code if they could sell some of the fabrics used on their 50/50 NYCO CADPAT shirts made in Pakistan, but they didn’t bothered to reply as well. It’s driving me crazy that even the non-authentic version of CADPAT is unobtanium now.

  133. Þ

    The link to the collection of images no longer works as of July 19 2023.
    Is there anywhere else to find the collection of photographs?

  134. Scott

    You nailed something I am currently struggling with: why am I paying full retail for Crye Precision when I can butyTru-Spec for much less and still get the exact same fabric? Do you own Tru-Spec? If so, what has your experience been?

    I owned some Tru-Spec T.R.U. pants and while they didn’t fit as closely as the Cryes I own, they were good quality. And the Tru-Spec company people are actually friendly, helpful, and easy to talk with; their counterparts at Crye are sadly anything but.

    Even so, it’s hard to break the Crye habit … : /

  135. Scott

    Your Crye Precision trousers bunch up at the ankles, I see. Mine do too, but I thought it was just me. I wore large regular in the service and ordered 36 regular. Waist fit is good but the look near the ankles is just like yours: kinda’ long.

    • Comment by post author


      Currently all my crye trousers are reg length, but my formal suit trousers are Short, for example. Crye short is ok for me when worn low. Crye reg length is fine when worn higher on my actual waist, in this pic I’m wearing them low on my hips. Just one of those inbetween-y type situations and would be remedied if I cinched the ankle velcro.

      What I have found however is that I prefer the knee pads to sit somewhat on the low side to get the best pad position/coverage when kneeling, so wearing reg length down low on my hips and having some excess around the ankles is my go-to personally.

  136. Kane

    I got a pair to deliver for Amazon, after a month or so of wearing everyday and running, walking, jumping, etc. the soles do get softer. As in I walk silently in general and the stiff sole didn’t change much. They provided sole did have to be replaced with a better one after a few weeks but, otherwise they were a great shoe that lasted 8 months of rough wear.

  137. Anyone got an example of these in AOR2? Looks like a fair deal for 80 USD given that the NWU1 variant seems to have authentic fabric, though Sportsman’s Guide only has an ABU variant left.

  138. Mike mahbubian

    I would agree that the cryes are over priced. But damn do they fit/wear well. I’ve had some sizing inconsistencies with the truspec tru line and while it is nyco like the cryes the stitching is somewhat subpar and I’ve blown the fabric out on a pair or 2 in what I felt was not a lot of time. I’m good with paying a little extra for the better fitment and craftsmanship seeing as my g3 field set has significantly outlasted my TRU field set in similar conditions.

  139. Robert

    I know you’ve had these and the AMCU pants for a while now and reading about your fading issue. I had a lot of fading issues with higher cotton percentage material in the ADF. I found I had to stay clear of normal laundry liquid and instead go to hunting sports washes. I use an Atsko one and my AMCU combat trousers and combat shirt are still holding colour really well. Even used it in multicam before getting AMCU.

    The brighteners in regular laundry liquid would have me having to replace cams every few months if washed daily. Now I’m getting years out of them before they’ve faded enough to draw the wrath of the bosses and change them for new ones. I also felt that after weeks out field the clothes didn’t stink as much using the atsko wash.

  140. Phil

    Very nice bit of kit. These are unicorns in their own right.

    I never understood the hate for UCP — sure it doesn’t work everywhere, (neither does multicam lol) but it has a cool futuristic vibe that I always appreciated.

  141. NagaR

    Sorry, I just read the full article. EU (NSPA) here could refer then to country of production being EU in NATO members countries. Hope this is helpful

    • Jon

      NATO Support and Procurement Agency, my biggest understanding is that the garments don’t have to be Berry Compliant and come with the central rank tab (as applicable), have heard they are made in the EU with a crye partner but can’t find any hard evidence

      • Comment by post author


        NSPA is made in Europe you’re right; as most people had always suspected. No reason to spend the extra complying with Berry when selling to countries that don’t require said compliance.

  142. Scott

    Wish I could find one in my size … : (

  143. Johnson Cheung

    Using that in survival game from 2016 to now, change all parts including the slide are steel

  144. Jarv

    The flatpack is something I wished I had every day in the military: a buttpack equivalent for a modern rig. Just enough space for a raincoat, ration pack, boxed ammo, items I want on my person but don’t need instant access to, and I get to carry it without yet another set of straps competing with my rifle butt for shoulder space. As a standalone backpack it’s terrible, but I will not buy a chest rig unless I can plug my flatpack into it.

    • Comment by post author


      Large PALS GP pouches have always been a thing man.

      • Jarv

        Damn dude, why didn’t I think of that? Except I did, back in ’05. If you think finding photos of backpacks molle’d onto the backs of rigs is rare, wait until you try to find some GP pouches there instead. It’s not done, and for good reason. Even large ones are too small, they flop around, the load isn’t balanced, they take up space that could have been taken by a hydration bladder, even when they’re empty they’re a pain in the ass.

        This is the trick that everyone seems to miss, even though it was in the video back in the day: You expand the pack out, place in the handful of items you want (don’t overfill it), then use the zipper to compress it back down. That everything is evenly distributed, low profile and doesn’t move at all is a godsend. If you need to carry more, empty it out, keep using it as just a hydration bag, and then throw a bigger pack or even a ruck on over it. It’s called the FLATpack for a reason.

  145. Scott

    Good info. Thanks for this.

  146. Verdantlee_Hebi

    Makes me want to get one of these but in shorts, if you catch my drift.

  147. Jeremy B

    I just picked up a set of each of the ones pictured above. Both are in new condition. The AOR1 has the solid tan stretch panel on the back with no stretch panel on the knees. The AOR2 has the color matched panel on the rear, exactly as shown in your pictures. Your 3 part posts are about the only info I can find on them.

  148. Gillan Tejam Baclayon

    I recently got the same one with the Hard Yakka tag since I plan to LARP/milcos a SAS-R operator. Is this genuine issued to the SAS-R or is this commercial?

    • Comment by post author


      I’ve no clue what SAS-R have been issued, but to my knowledge AMCU uniforms aren’t sold commercially.

      • Gillan Tejam Baclayon

        Oh thanks for the info! I was supposed to score ADA surplus but someone sniped it before me. Then this offer from GBF Militaria came and I took it.

  149. Orlan

    I am finding out the hard way that your past observations about Arktis Ltd. were, and are, very accurate. They’ve become rather contemptuous of loyal, legacy customers and if SHOT 2024 is any indication, they’ve have adopted a new business strategy of riding the coattails of big name YouTube e-celebrities and selling to their tacticool fans.

    I suppose it may work well for awhile owing to the sheer numbers of Redditors and YouTubers they can reach – at least until the credit cards in America all max out.

    Love your site, please keep up the excellent work.

    • Comment by post author


      The problem I’ve had with Arktis is much of the stuff they’ve been making the past decade or so has been bad both in design and manufacture; which looks to be changing with their new line. The change in business strategy is, tbh, just what you have to do if you want to make a lot of money in the business of tactical kit. None of that means you should treat long term customers poorly of course.

      • Orlan

        Time will tell if they’re able to make a lot of money, or not. Maybe, but I have lived long enough to know that solid customer relationships trump short-term volume sales hustles over a long time horizon, but they don’t care.

        2024 is not a good time to be opening a new division up in America as they’re set to do in May. Layoffs there are accelerating and retail customers are already overly indebted and/or broke, with flat wages and skyrocketing inflation. Perhaps the coming world war will be Arktis business model salvation, or not. The French Army contract is going away with Belgium and Ireland switching to Multicam variants. It will be interesting to watch, but we won’t doing business with them any longer.


  150. Sandy

    I asked our clothing store about the new PCS and got told flat out that it’s only for GCC troops only.

    I actually agree with you on the Solid colour pcs daily working uniform though

  151. Orlan

    Any chance you’re going to give the Crye G4 Hot Weather uniforms a trial go?

    I am sore tempted to get a set of these for use where I live (hot and miserably humid summers,) but there’s very little end user feedback on this variation of the G4 line. I was holding out hoping you’d give it a try and post a critical review before I spent the money, just to be sure.

    • Comment by post author


      Unfortunately right now I down own any HW items and there’s a limit on how much camo I can physically own. I think it’s a safe bet that it’ll be very breathable and quick drying but you’ll lose out on durability; pick your poison.

      • Orlan

        Understood and excellent points. Durability is a concern, definitely.

        Please keep up the great work, and thanks much for the SHOT Show overview. All very educational and informative.

  152. Eric Kammerer

    Do you remember what model bipod was used on that MORE? Long time ago I know.

  153. ryan

    nicely written and true too

  154. M

    Wonder what your thoughts are on the G4 field pants?

  155. Dylan Nguyen

    How much can I get this new small regular size?

  156. Verdantlee_Hebi

    I’d be stoked to learn that this could be one of the rare combat shirts to be featured in Michael Bay’s Transformers (2007) alongside the MultiCam patterned Crye G1s and other Crye goodies.

    In fact, just to add, I learned a funny story from some guy (Idk if this was true since I found it from Soldier Systems), that he was a part of some unit that was supposed to get the Crye G1s, but those same batch ended up going to Michael Bay’s Transformers set so the actors got to rock them instead.

    Still, seeing Crye G1 combat shirt is just really cool and just goes to show the innovative ideas came to life with this one, and eventually evolved into the G4. In all honesty, while I didn’t mind the stretchiness of the G4 (based on observations only since I never had any real life experiences with one), my concerns are its durability, thus I’d rather stick with the G3s.

  157. Verdantlee_Hebi

    This one looks pretty sick honestly, it gives me Battlefield 4 vibes thanks to the Chinese special forces unit you get to play as in all 4 classes. In fact, I’m curious to see you take a twist in getting yourself a Type 07 Universal version of this one, and perhaps build a Battlefield 4 Chinese Assault class theme around that?

    And since you’ve mentioned the camo used being the PLAF variant, I also recalled a picture of what’s supposed to be the PLAF camo (prototype), it had muted greens and greys which is a lot more effective than the one you have, and imho a lot more cooler too. Kinda sucks that it never came into fruition, but hey, that wouldn’t stop some people from trying to replicate that rare camo.

  158. Collin

    As soon as I saw the first image, I could hear the menu music softly playing in my head.

  159. TeeQueue

    Seems like a small, but not insignificant improvement to the Source Virtus, but dear god the dumb proprietary Cummerbund and quick release need to be shown the exit.

    Can I ask what problem you have with the soft armour?

  160. Liam

    Dear God just let it die. They’re examining moving over to SAPI plates again but whether it happens is yet to be seen. It’s baffling why its still 7 wide and why it doesn’t have a placard attachment system which is basically industry-standard at this point. The whole battery thing seems like a gimmick too, it will make carrying daysacks and bergens very uncomfortable and increase risk of injuries by pushing CoG further out. Wonder if a cummerbund mounted solution could be made to work

  161. Stevo

    I am familiar with Knight’s Armament during the 1995-1996 era when still located in Vero Beach. The Knight’s Company and the Knight’s Armament RIS reportedly received their first contract for $8 million about the end of 1995. I do not know when they transitioned into the RAS, but it doesn’t seem like it wasn’t very long after the RIS was out, so there must have been some reported deficiencies in the original RIS? I was no longer there as of the end of 1996. The Knight’s Armament Company was already well established for creating materials for Special Forces requirements and the SR-25 which was designed in conjunction with Mr. Eugene Stoner.

    The RIS base castings would be delivered and then all that was left to do was to machine in the rails and a few other spots for the attachment hardware. Early Model Shop versions were milled from blocks of aluminum. Production models were cast.

  162. Dylan Nguyen

    Are they in new condition?

  163. Claude Eckel

    I still don’t get it, what this nonsense interlaced in a heat protecting handguard is supposed to do there? Melt when you fire it? The first time I had seen this was in the GR Wildlands game on the LVOA and that War Bungee in red that was woven into the handguard, and at the time I figured this is typical of game designers who have never served or handled weapons in real life gamifying their weapon model to make it look kind of cool or professional while this crap serves no real purpose. Civvies, as they perceive the world of the military, so to speak. Thinking it’s all about fashion or looks there too. But no, later I learnt that this bungee cord was actually used on the real rifle… As stupid as it gets. Like in kindergarten. A toy rifle.

  164. Scott

    Mildly off-topic, but have you seen or heard from others anything about changes in the 50/50 NYCO material Crye Precision uses?

    Asking because on my new purchase G3 items (field shirt and combat pants) the material is noticeably thinner than comparable G3 items I bought between 2016 and 2021 (G3 field pants and G3 field shirt). It’s somewhat disappointing given the price point, which has actually ticked up a bit.

    Is Crye G3 clothing now a thinner NYCO material?

    • Comment by post author


      That’s the sort of info you’d have to be Crye’s materials purchasing person to actually know. There’s a 1001 valid reasons they may have chosen or been forced to make such a change, or maybe it’s just cheaping out.. unfortunately impossible to say.

  165. Philip

    Great article on the Fast C2R kit. By any chance are you able to acquire a set of the wolf grey? Purely for a collector.

  166. David Maynor

    I came here to leave the Hollywood answer. Back in the 2007 on tome period they were used in a lot of Hollywood productions. The mercenaries in Lost sported Crye as well.

  167. Mark

    I own this version and one custom made by someone in HK who runs with a bunch of airsofters that like to use Rhodie camo.

    Sadly did not get the BDU version as produced for the NDS from the Chinese contracts. The ones I found dried up.

  168. Logan

    Date format isn’t that weird. That’s how the US military typically writes short form dates. DDMMMYY.

  169. flap

    You were certainly correct about ABU, UCP, and NWU1 gaining popularity. Kinda sad the prices of it are going up even though I too am contributing to liking the camo now.

  170. K

    What brand is the ranger green plate carrier?

  171. Comment by post author


    That is already in the works and being manufactured fairly soon, won’t be too long before they’re available.

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